PyStata—Python and Stata
Use Stata from within Python
Stata API functions to run Stata commands and access Stata data and returned results from Python
IPython magic command to use Stata from Jupyter Notebook
We admit that the collection system harbors some complexity. One feature that makes it more approachable is styles. You saw styles being used on the table commands for the tables presented above.
Stata’s reporting features allow you to create Word, PDF, Excel, and HTML documents that incorporate Stata results and graphs with formatted text and tables. Regardless of the type of document you create, you can rely on Stata’s integrated versioning features to ensure that your reports are reproducible.
Want dynamic reports that are updated as your data change? Stata’s reporting features make this easy too. Rerun the command or do-file that created your report with the updated dataset, and all Stata results in the report are updated automatically.
Stata 16 has new and improved reporting features, of course, but as importantly, all of Stata's reporting features are now documented in a new Reporting Reference Manual. The manual includes many new examples that demonstrate workflows and provide guidance on customizing the Word, PDF, Excel, and HTML documents you create using Stata.
Once your table is created, you can get it into your report quickly.