New Mplus Technical Note: Random starting values and multistage optimization.
Pause During Mplus Analysis
The Mplus modeling framework draws on the unifying theme of latent variables. The generality of the Mplus modeling framework comes from the unique use of both continuous and categorical latent variables. Continuous latent variables are used to represent factors corresponding to unobserved constructs, random effects corresponding to individual differences in development, random effects corresponding to variation in coefficients across groups in hierarchical data, frailties corresponding to unobserved heterogeneity in survival time, liabilities corresponding to genetic susceptibility to disease, and latent response variable values corresponding to missing data. Categorical latent variables are used to represent latent classes corresponding to homogeneous groups of individuals, latent trajectory classes corresponding to types of development in unobserved populations, mixture components corresponding to finite mixtures of unobserved populations, and latent response variable categories corresponding to missing data.
Frequentist analysis uses maximum likelihood and weighted least squares estimators. Mplus provides maximum likelihood estimation for all models. With censored and categorical outcomes, an alternative weighted least squares estimator is also available. For all types of outcomes, robust estimation of standard errors and robust chi-square tests of model fit are provided. These procedures take into account non-normality of outcomes and non-independence of observations due to cluster sampling. Robust standard errors are computed using the sandwich estimator. Robust chi-square tests of model fit are computed using mean and mean and variance adjustments as well as a likelihood-based approach. Bootstrap standard errors are available for most models. The optimization algorithms use one or a combination of the following: Quasi-Newton, Fisher scoring, Newton-Raphson, and the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977). Linear and non-linear parameter constraints are allowed. With maximum likelihood estimation and categorical outcomes, models with continuous latent variables and missing data for dependent variables require numerical integration in the computations. The numerical integration is carried out with or without adaptive quadrature in combination with rectangular integration, Gauss-Hermite integration, or Monte Carlo integration.
Most of the special features listed above are available for models with both continuous and categorical latent variables. The following special features are also available: