Bayes estimation with censored variables for single-level SEM, mixture models, models with latent variable interactions, RSEM, and DSEM.
TECH10 standardized residuals for response patterns and univariate and bivariate frequency tables (Asparouhov & Muthen, 2022c) for Bayes with two-part ordinal models and Bayes with PREDICTOR=OBSERVED as used in Mplus Web Talk 4, Part 2.
Mplus Version 8.4 is now available. Mplus Version 8.4 includes corrections to minor problems that have been found since the release of Version 8.3 in April, 2019 and the following new features. Registered users who purchased Mplus within the last year and those with a current Mplus Upgrade and Support Contract can download Version 8.4 at no cost by logging into their customer account.
Latent variable decomposition (latent variable centering) of predictors with random slopes for DSEM, RDSEM, and other TYPE=TWOLEVEL models using the Bayes estimator (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2018b, (Download scripts)) as shown in Example 9.1 for a random intercept model in the Mplus Version 8 User’s Guide
This includes growth models with auto-regressions among the residuals and random intercept cross-lagged models (RI-CLPM and RI-ARMA) for panel data. The new modeling features are described in Asparouhov & Muthen (2021a) and illustrated further in Mplus Web Talk No. 4.