Examples involving subsurface drip irrigation (using 2D and axisymmetrical 2D domains). Download now (11 MB)
Drip3D Drip irrigation simulated using the three-dimensional transport domain. Download now (11 MB)
Drip3Da Three-dimensional drip irrigation examples from Raij et al., 2018. Download now (2 MB)
Drain Two examples demonstrating the use of the (simplified) drain boundary condition and the effects of the immobile water content on accelerated solute movement. Download brief description now
HYDRUS is distributed in multiple different versions (Editions / Levels) so that users may acquire only that segment of the software that is most appropriate for their application.
For solute transport, the code supports both (constant and varying) prescribed concentration (Dirichlet or first-type) and concentration flux (Cauchy or third-type) boundaries. The dispersion tensor includes a term reflecting the effects of molecular diffusion and tortuosity.
The unsaturated soil hydraulic properties are described using Genuchten [1980], Brooks and Corey [1964], Durner [1994], Kosugi [1995], and modified Genuchten type analytical functions. Modifications were made to improve the description of hydraulic properties near saturation.
According to the Web of Knowledge (ISI), the “Highly Cited” or “Hot” manuscripts are manuscripts that has received enough citations to place them in the top of either 1% or 0.1% of papers in their field, respectively.
The HYDRUS software is used by thousands of users around the world (over ten thousand of downloads in 2017 alone, and many more before and since then), including leading research institutions, regulatory agencies, and consulting companies.
The HYDRUS software has been used in thousands of successful applications published in peer-reviewed journal articles (1D, 2D, and 3D). There exist many successful examples of HYDRUS verifications and validations.