Improvements of the functionality and performance of 3D graphics: Drawing of objects in
transparent mode, control of the center of rotation when rotating a scene, speed up graphics
when drawing complex models and large FE-meshes.
New options for manipulation and the graphical display of background layers and bitmaps
The HYDRUS software has been developed by leading (award winning) scientists in the field of vadose zone hydrology (Rien Genuchten and Jirka Simunek). Note that both of them are Fellows of AGU (American Geophysical Union), AAAS (American Association for Advancement of Science, SSSA (Soil Science Society of America) and ASA (American Society of Agronomy), which are the highest awards given by these respective societies. Both these scientists are one of the most widely cited researchers in their field of science, having an h-index of 66 and 56 (in 2018), respectively, and tens of thousands of citations (both according to Web of Knowledge). Always at the cutting edge of the most recent developments in vadose zone hydrology.
Fixed Errors:
Flowing particles were not calculated in 64-bit version (HYPAR and H3D_Calc)
Fixed several minor errors in the implementation of Expanded Root Growth (variable plant
centers for root growth, etc.)
HYDRUS is distributed in multiple different versions (Editions / Levels) so that users may acquire only that segment of the software that is most appropriate for their application.