水流方程包含一个下沉期,可导致植物根系吸水。热传递方程考虑了水流传导和对流运动。对流扩散的溶质运移方程的管理是一个非常普遍的形式,包括固体和液态非线性非平衡反应的规定以及液体和气体的线性平衡反应。因此,不管是吸附溶质还是挥发溶质(如)都已经考虑到了。溶质运移方程还包括了零阶生产的影响、其他溶质的立一级降解以及一阶衰减和生产反应,以便提供连续一级链中溶质间所需的耦合。运移模拟也会引起液相对流和扩散、气相扩散,因此次模型在液态和气态条件下可同时模拟溶质运移。目前HYDRUS多可考虑15种溶质,在单向链中耦合或溶质间立运移。物理非平衡溶质运移由双区和双重孔隙公式引起, 并把液相分成移动和不可移动区域。附着和分离理论,包括过滤理论,病毒、胶质和运移的模拟也包含在其中。
Welcome to the website for the HYDRUS software package. Version 1.0 was a successor of the widely used and successful Hydrus-2D / Meshgen-2D software package, originally developed and released by the U.S. Salinity Laboratory in cooperation with the International Groundwater Modeling Center (IGWMC), the University of California Riverside, and PC-Progress, Inc. This version had a completely new graphical environment for both two- and three-dimensional applications, and provided users with much more comfort than the original Hydrus-2D software package. The software was released under the name HYDRUS (2D/3D), with different versions (called Levels) covering both the two- and three-dimensional applications.
HYPAR是标准二维和三维HYDRUS计算模块的并行版本。(h2d_calc.exe and h3d_calc.exe)
Version 2.0, released in early May of 2011, is the first major upgrade of HYDRUS since 2006. In this version, we are expanding the four editions (Levels) which were available in version 1.x of HYDRUS, namely 2D-Lite, 2D-Standard, 3D-Lite, and 3D-Standard, with a new additional Level 3D-Professional. The 3D-Professinal Level will enable you to define transport domains of virtually arbitrary 3D shapes. Another major improvement that should significantly improve the effectiveness of working with HYDRUS is an option to specify various domain properties, and initial and boundary conditions, on Geometric Objects, rather than on FE-Mesh. We have also implemented two new solute transport modules (UNSATCHEM and Wetland) for evaluating the transport of major ions and for simulating processes in natural or constructed wetlands. There are also many other additional improvements and expansions of the model. Version 2.02, released in September 2012, offers three additional add-on modules: DualPerm for simulating two-dimensional variably-saturated water movement and solute transport in dual-permeability porous media, i.e., preferential and nonequilibrium water flow and solute transport, C-Ride for simulating two-dimensional colloid-facilitated solute transport, and HP2, which couples Hydrus (its two-dimensional part) with the PHREEQC geochemical code [Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999] to create this new comprehensive simulation tool (HP2 - acronym for HYDRUS-PHREEQC-2D), corresponding to a similar one-dimensional module HP1. Version 2.03, released in September 2013, uses new fonts improving the look of HYDRUS GUI on Chinese, Japanese and other similar Windows systems. This version also brings a number of new functions.
不饱和土壤水文属性是由以下理论总结出来的,1980年的 Genuchten、1964年的Brooks 和Corey、1994年的Durner、1995年的Kosugi和修正的 Genuchten的型解析函数。这些修正内容对接近饱和状态的水利属性做了进一步的描述。HYDRUS软件包含了由1983年Scott et al.以及1987年Kool 和 Parker引进的结合实证模拟的滞变。 这个模型假定干燥扫描曲线是从主要干燥曲线而来的,湿润扫描曲线是从主要湿润曲线而来的。HYDRUS还包括1991年的Lenhard et al.和1992年Lenhard 和 Parker的滞变模型,它通过跟踪历史逆转点从而消除泵。HYDRUS在给定的土壤环境下可实行缩放过程已达到近似液压变化,通过一组线性标度变化工具,涉及个别土壤水力特性与参考土壤的关系。